Endodontic Services

Dental Implants Dentist in Mississauga

Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth’s pulp. The pulp is found in the center of the tooth and in canals (called root canals) inside the root of each tooth. Pulp includes connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels. Pulp nourishes the tooth when it first emerges through the gum. Once the tooth matures, the pulp can be removed without destroying the tooth. That’s because each tooth also is nourished by a blood supply in the gums.

Root Canals

If the nerve of your tooth becomes infected by decay, or damaged by trauma, root canal treatment is often the only way to save your tooth.
Inside your tooth’s hard outer shell of enamel is a nourishing pulp of blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves. The root canals, which contain the pulp, extend to the bone. Deep tooth decay, or an injury, can cause serious damage and infection to the pulp’s nerves and vessels. A “root canal” (the technical term is endodontic treatment) cleans out the infected pulp chamber and repairs the damage.

5 common signs that you WILL probably need root canal therapy.

  • You have moderate to severe lingering “toothache” pain when drinking hot liquids or eating hot foods. This pain may also be caused with cold liquids or foods.
  • You have pain when chewing or biting on a tooth that may also be sensitive to touch, tapping, or pressure and may be associated with slight swelling.
  • Your toothache pain wakes you up at night and you most likely feel the need to take some form of pain medication to relieve your suffering.
  • You have a bubble on your gum that looks like a pimple and when pressed in the region may release blood or pus.
  • You have pain that starts at one tooth and then radiates or is referred to other regions of your upper or lower jaw, or head. A common example is a lower molar (back tooth) causing pain that refers to your ear on the same side so as to simulate an earache.

What to expect after treatment:

It is not uncommon for a tooth to be uncomfortable or even exhibit a dull ache immediately after receiving root-canal therapy. This should subside within a few days (or even weeks). This occurs because of conditions, which existed before treatment was started. Experience shows that if there was pain prior to treatment there maybe a degree of pain that will continue for a few days after the procedure. Remember that pain radiates. You may feel sensations of discomfort that are not related to the treated area during the healing process. This can be created by inflammation in this area and/or due to increase in blood volume that natural occurs in the healing process.

Your tooth will be sensitive to biting pressure and may even appear to feel loose. This feeling is a result of the sensitivity of nerve-ending in the tissue just outside the end of the root, where we will clean, irrigate, place a filler and sealer material and a filling. This feeling will be short-lived. Warm salt-water rinses for two days after treatment will help.