Your invisalign treatment will consist of a series of aligners that you switch out about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place. And since your Invisalign system is custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised by you and your dentist or orthodontist, you know you’ll end up with a smile that truly fits. If you’re ready for a smile that transforms your appearance, Invisalign is your answer. Although there are many choices out there, no other works as effortlessly as the Invisalign system.
Your first consultation
Choosing Invisalign treatment is an important dental and financial decision, so it’s essential that you find the right doctor for you. You may want to meet with several experienced Invisalign-trained doctors to find the one you feel most comfortable with. At your initial consultation, your doctor will discuss your needs and evaluate whether Invisalign treatment is right for you.
Your custom treatment plan
Your doctor will use a scanner such as the iTero® digital scanning system to create fast, precise 3D digital images of your teeth. (Some doctors will take physical impressions.) Then your doctor will map out a precise treatment plan, including the exact movements of your teeth and how long your treatment will be. You’ll even get to see how your teeth will move and preview your new smile.
Your Invisalign clear aligners
Your custom-made aligners will be made of our proprietary SmartTrack® material. They’re virtually invisible, so most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them. Wear your Invisalign clear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day for the best results, taking them out to eat and to brush and floss.
Your progress
As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth will gently and gradually shift into place. Your doctor may recommend that you begin wearing a new set of aligners every week and schedule check-ups every six weeks or so. At every stage you’ll be able to see your progress and imagine how far your new smile will take you.
Taking care of your new smile
When your treatment is complete, ask your doctor about a Vivera® retainer. Vivera retainers are custom-made using the same state-of-the-art technology as Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign is the best way to transform your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life.
For more information please visit or contact or call Cracovia Dental today at +1 (905) 275-1010